Bush dog

    The bush dog is a shy creature which is rarely seen by humans. Because of this it is hard to count the remaining individuals, but there are possibly as few as 15 000 left in the wild.

    The Bush dog is considered to be near threatened, and the decreasing in numbers is mainly caused by human impact on the habitats in which it lives. Bush dogs can also kill livestock and is because of that hunted by humans, both legally and illegally. However, in most countries it is illegal to kill Bush dogs.

    Secures living space for forest dog and other species

    An important part of the conservation project consists of, together with landowners, protecting the wood dog's habitat from deforestation - and connecting biologically important areas through the construction of a forest corridor. A collaboration with the Swedish Climate Change Agency regarding a forest replanting project has also begun. In addition, the Proyecto Zorro Pitoco (PZP - the Bush Dog Project) Corridor Interaction Program Team will conduct over fifty trainings in a total of nine regions in the 400,000 hectare forest corridor to enable a cultural and long-term change in the thinking and actions of the local landowners.