Military Macaw

    The Mexican soldier macaw is yet another species threatened in its survival when the forests they live in are being razed. Illegal trade, where the animals are caught and sold as pets, is another factor that causes them to decrease in number. In the Zicuirán-Infiernillo Biosphere Reserve in western Mexico, researchers have monitored the presence of the Mexican military and worked to increase the awareness of the vulnerability of the species in the people who live there. IN in connection with this, an area, Nuevo Centro, has been noticed as a particularly important area for the endangered bird.

    New study will provide increased knowledge about the needs of the Mexican soldier

    In a newly started research project, the number of Mexican soldiers in the Nuevo Centro area will be counted at different times of the year. Identification of individuals is done by studying photos, where the plumage around the eyes is studied. In parallel, how the availability of food varies during the same time and what type of food the investigated birds prefer is investigated. Other important things of importance to the macaws, such as water sources and nesting sites, must also be mapped.

    The information should help with conservation efforts

    With the help of the collected information, targeted efforts can be made to increase the number of Mexican soldiers in the reserve. Replanting of selected forest plants and avoiding disturbing, human activities in areas important to the macaws are examples of this.

    The Kolmården Foundation has been involved since the beginning and finances the important the conservation project.