Wild camel

    In the barren Gobi Desert in China and Mongolia lives the critically endangered wild camel.

    Wild camel

    In the barren Gobi Desert in China and Mongolia lives the critically endangered wild camel.

    Wild Camel Protection Foundation

    Since 2003, the Wild Camel Protection Foundation operates a breeding center of wild camels in the buffer zone of the Great Gobi Strictly Protected Area "A" in Mongolia, as an assurance against the extinction of the species in the wild. Wild camels raised at the center are re-released into this protected area and the animals are fitted with GPS transmitters to be tracked after release.

    Another breeding center is being built

    In order to further strengthen the wild population, another breeding center in a nearby area, Soum, has been built. The Kolmården Foundation has contributed money to finance the education and training of the newly hired staff.